Monday, May 31, 2021

"Seems like"

It doesn’t matter if you sit on a bench instead of a fancy café. It’s with whom you are sitting. It doesn’t matter if you go for lunch by yourself – but what thoughts do you have at that moment. It doesn’t matter "what it seems like" because there is no such a thing anyway. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Enjoy it

When it blows up would you act as if it didn't? I am trying to act the same, no matter what the outcome is. Zero expectations, zero disappointments -But it's hard. Enjoy it. Knowing tomorrow will be a different story.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Think ahead.

"No money, no dream" has been my sentence for a very long time. A distraction I know is not true. Don’t let money stop your progress. Think ahead.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Welcome them

I watched myself today. Geeting nerves. Hoping it will work just the way I planned it. I told myself It might be a good sign. It means you are stepping out of your comfort zone. You are going on an adventure in unfamiliar places. And that is where growth comes from. Don’t be afraid of those days. The other way around, welcome them.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


Working at ease. Working at ease makes you enjoy the process. It makes you smile, it makes you pay attention to the small details that matter the most. That's when your mind is going in other directions and new ideas are coming from. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

People's game

Are you nice? Are you the person people want to work with? Do you make people around you feel good and comfortable? You may be super professional but kindness is far more important. It's a people game at the end of the day- don’t you forget it.  

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Moving on

I am already programmed to think that way. The schedule has changed, something got off track- I am reevaluating and moving on to the next thing. It's like autopilot. After you do it a couple of times- you learn this is what you do when that happens. No uncertainty or confusion. An action was decided before the event even happened-  and it's moving on. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

You might get surprised

When you start your day, you may think it's going to be a hard one, unable to see the result but you might get surprised. Maybe you are not as weak, slow, or hesitant as you used to be. Maybe now things are better because you are better.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

What truly matters

"Who is it for?" I am writing an answer on a piece of paper and can't help but notice it's for me. The customer is me. The clothes are designed for the "real" me.  The "me" I always wanted to be. It's me overcoming. It's me not giving up on my dreams. It's me growing up, knowing what truly matters in life.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

"What if" is not going to help

How will I know If I am making the right move? I won't. The thing is, you will never know how the other path would have turned out. What would your life look like if you chose a different option, a different answer, a different path? "What if" is not going to help you anyway. keep going.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Relentless commitment

I am not trying, I am doing. Even if it is stressful, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone. I am on it. Being in the mood or not is irrelevant. No one is "in the mood" all the time. But pushing through at those moments is a sign of your strong character and relentless commitment. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The right people

Do you care when they ask you if you spent the night at work? Do you care when they look at you like you are "crazy"? or wondering what's your story. I used to care. I still do but from the right people. Not everyone. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

We wait

There will always be things you wait for. Even if you don’t what to wait. A supplier who will disappoint you, a delivery who didn’t make it on time. There will always be things out of your control that affects you. You may buy the machine, try and do the work yourself but you need to learn it's inevitable – sometimes we wait.  

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

What is "enough" and what is your "real" job

There is always a place you should be and your not. Not in real life but in your state of mind. Too many platforms, too many tasks pulling you from your "real" job, leaving you with a feeling you're not doing enough. What is "enough" and what is your "real" job anyway.

Monday, May 17, 2021

There is always a way

I don’t have a lot at the moment but I have plenty inside my head. Plenty of ideas, plenty of goals to accomplish, plenty of dreams to fulfill. Sometimes I am wondering how can I be so sure. Sure I will get there someday. Sure I will have it all. But I am. I guess I proved to myself in the last few years- If there is a will, there is a way. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Even if you can't see

I am walking up the stairs after changing my clothes to take a picture – and I can't believe it. Four months ago it was something I knew I had to overcome but struggling. I guess it has nothing to do with the way you look or how old you are - It's about keep making even if you can't see where it is going. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Made me who I am today

I heard his voice while cutting the fabrics today. The computer was next to me, and I immediately felt better. He calms me down, educates me on the things that truly matter. How to open my heart and mind, how to think differently, how to be a better person. He doesn’t know me, but his words made me who I am today. My hero from afar.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Flip that thought

Who are you doing it for? For yourself or others?. And what about the numbers, who are they for?. Thinking about social media impact and I wonder if I can handle it. It was the hardest step I have made so far and I am sure it will get even harder. Try to flip that thought. Make it easy.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


Comparing yourself to others may hold you back. Waiting for the numbers to go up will waste your time and hoping for an answer will not get you anywhere. Choose carefully where you put your mind to. You only get this moment once.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


You get scared. You don’t believe it will hit you and yet you follow along. You go where everyone else is going because that is expected. It’s a scene from a movie but in real life. Everyone what’s to live in peace and yet we find it hard to manage. How come?.  

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A better tomorrow

Sometimes it goes as planned and sometimes it's not. The greatness comes when you stay in a positive mindset when it is not. Stying hopeful and looking forward to a better tomorrow is always better than the other way around. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Good people

I always believed there are good people in the world. People who open their hearts, time, and knowledge to others. When you meet them you may wonder "why" or ask yourself if you would do it too. But one thing I know, I will always remember I didn’t do it by myself. Behind me were good people who believed in me in worlds, actions, and without asking anytime in return. 

Sunday, May 9, 2021


When you say "nothing is going to stop me" do you really mean that? How far are you willing to go for what you believe in? What sacrifices are you willing to make? I know I will get there but I hope I will not be there alone

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Not anymore

You get less scared. Less scared you will not be able to handle it, less scared you are too shy for this, less scared you don’t have a degree in fashion. My confidence comes from all the things I always wanted to know and learned. All the things I was afraid of before but did it anyway.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Lesson to be learned

I am ok. But maybe there is a lesson to be learned. In a second I could see the life I was planning for myself. It was all black. Empty. Nothing really mattered. Maybe taking time to breathe is important. It doesn’t have to be a day off. Maybe it means just to work at a different pace, to see other things but- work. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The real wealth

Being healthy. I guess that is the real game. I hope it a false alarm. I hope it's going to disappear tomorrow- but I have nothing on my mind right now. No business, no dreams, no money. But being healthy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

I will follow along

I see it. I wrote it. Everything happening to me today was written as a dream before. Here. One day I took a step forward and the next day I took another one. Now I get to see them all. knowing nothing can really stop me. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

As if

You may sleep in a small room, you may shower in a tiny bathroom- but it doesn’t mean you can't dream big. Act as if your dreams have already come true. I am holding my phone, talking to guys on the other side of the world as if I already did it. Planning my next year's inventory and laughing. No limits indeed. I know I will get there. 

Monday, May 3, 2021


I am writing every day and yet it’s hard writing what you feel in a paragraph. I am looking at a blank page, trying to explain how much it means to me, how does it feel being here right now. I am not sure how will you react to it, but I do know every word written there is from the bottom of my heart.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Everything is a risk

"Everything is a risk" I said to myself wondering if I should go there or not. The thing is you will never know the other outcome. No one guarantees you anything. In every aspect of life. Maybe it's a good fuel for experiments, adventures, and your well-being. Setting your mindset to something without thinking about the road not taken.   

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Make a room for love

I need to make a room for love. It doesn’t have to be career or love. It doesn't have to be one on the cost of the other. You can do them both. And it might even make the other better. You may be better. Lean forward. Make a room.